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Thread: Kumar: Trackjack Updates

  1. #1

    Kumar: Trackjack Updates

    Thanks for incoming reports from contributors I've been able to update conditions for

    Atlantic City
    Some of Washington
    Cincinnati Ohio area casinos
    Tunica, Mississippi
    New York

    We are getting information for Arizona just added one. I hesitate to add the others received because two sources contradict.

    Las Vegas
    Confirmations are slow coming in.

    I'll take this opportunity to thank everyone for their assistance and corrections.


  2. #2

    bfbagain: Re: Trackjack Updates

    How are these reports attributed?

    There are more than a fair share of inaccuracies which have relatively little to do with ah, shall I say, some recent disagreements notwithstanding, but more with the overall reports and structure. Now I completely understand that, for the most part, Vegas and Reno, and some So. Ca. reports are far more accurate [not all, but most as I can see...] as these would be reported more frequently, but, [and you just knew there was a but coming didn't you ] Vegas doesn't have a monopoly on AP play anymore, and so all the other venues need to be as current as Vegas is to make Trackjack a more viable service. [IMO]

    Also, to give a minor example,[granted, this is not "condition" related, but would be helpful] there isn't an Isle of Capri casino in Tunica/Robinsonville Ms. The closest Isle of Capri is in Lula, Ms. [actually located right off the bridge crossing the Mississippi River off Rt. 49, aprrox. 27 miles south of Tunica. I would like [a request ] to see Trackjack include this type of information as well.

    Since I'm on the subject, here's some recent info for you. The DD game in the HL area [which is upstairs, and kinda nice and intimate, all things be equal] should not be played unless having 45-50 cards dealt is your cup of tea. It's not mine. Some condition reports don't even list that a DD game exists there. Now, if I lived across the river in Ark. or knew some dealers or was a regular in that area, I might consider visiting that store more often. But since [God forbid] there are people who travel to many venues, and isn't the point of services like this is to be helpful, I never would have visited this lovely little HL room on the banks of the mighty Mississip!

    Now everyone who reads this post can make their own decisions [as most don't know me] but those who do know that what I just said would be helpful.

    One final note: To the moderators. Its unclear to me as to "when" this will be posted. It's approx. 8:45AM PST, so I'm anxious to see the post. If its not done in a timely manner, [I have made I think one or two posts max. in the past that must have taken hours, literally hours to post] what else needs to be done, as I am a subscriber to Don's Domain and Trackjack.

    Also if it's not posted, and one would think this is exactly the kind of info. that you look for/pay for, what would be the point of continuing with either. Just askin..

    > Thanks for incoming reports from
    > contributors I've been able to update
    > conditions for

    > Atlantic City
    > Connecticut
    > Some of Washington
    > Cincinnati Ohio area casinos
    > Tunica, Mississippi
    > New York

    > Arizona
    > We are getting information for Arizona just
    > added one. I hesitate to add the others
    > received because two sources contradict.

    > Las Vegas
    > Confirmations are slow coming in.

    > I'll take this opportunity to thank everyone
    > for their assistance and corrections.

    > Sam

  3. #3

    Parker: Re: Trackjack Updates

    > One final note: To the moderators. Its
    > unclear to me as to "when" this
    > will be posted. It's approx. 8:45AM PST, so
    > I'm anxious to see the post. If its not done
    > in a timely manner, [I have made I think one
    > or two posts max. in the past that must have
    > taken hours, literally hours to post] what
    > else needs to be done, as I am a subscriber
    > to Don's Domain and Trackjack.

    > Also if it's not posted, and one would think
    > this is exactly the kind of info. that you
    > look for/pay for, what would be the point of
    > continuing with either. Just askin..

    Since you are a subscriber to TrackJack, you should be submitting the info to TrackJack, so it can be updated. One of the unique aspects of TrackJack is that the data can be continuously updated and revised by the subscriber base. TrackJack has a new editor, so you can expect to see many changes in the near future.

    As for your post here, it sits in a "holding area" until I have a chance to take a look at it. This could be anywhere from a few moments to several hours, depending on when I happen to be near a computer.

    If you would like to see your posts appear immediately, you need to register your "handle" so I can give you "bypass moderation" status. Just click on "Create Profile" at the top of any message board index page. It is not necessary to divulge any personal information to do this. Note that this is completely separate from Don's Domain or TrackJack.

  4. #4

    bfbagain: Re: Trackjack Updates and ..

    > Since you are a subscriber to TrackJack, you
    > should be submitting the info to TrackJack,
    > so it can be updated. One of the unique
    > aspects of TrackJack is that the data can be
    > continuously updated and revised by the
    > subscriber base. TrackJack has a new editor,
    > so you can expect to see many changes in the
    > near future.

    I was only being helpful with an "update type comment" regarding Trackjack. The fact that the casino is closed and the nearest Isle of Capri is on the river about 40 min from Robinsinville, was the request to Sam regarding the Trackjack format and features. I have updated a couple of conditions on Trackjack in the past, but thank you for your suggestion.

    As to your review requirements, and bypass authorizations, I created the profile that should eliminate that as an issue when I post in the future. Thanks.

    > As for your post here, it sits in a
    > "holding area" until I have a
    > chance to take a look at it. This could be
    > anywhere from a few moments to several
    > hours, depending on when I happen to be near
    > a computer.

  5. #5

    Parker: Thanks

    You now have "bypass moderation" status, and your posts will appear as soon as you make them.

    You may also use your password to delete any post you make, should you ever have the need. In addition, no one else can impersonate you by posting with your "handle."

    So post away. :-)

  6. #6

    Kumar: Re: Trackjack Updates

    Thank you for the information. We received the report for Tunica. I will remind Viktor to remove Isle of Capri from the database.

    Will be pleased to add the Lula game if you could be kind enough to advise the rules, limits and other information, as no report was yet received. As Parker suggested this may be a perfect opportunity for you to use the trackjack functions to provide your information. It will certainly be much appreciated.

  7. #7

    bfbagain: Re: Trackjack Updates

    > Thank you for the information. We received
    > the report for Tunica. I will remind Viktor
    > to remove Isle of Capri from the database.

    Please accept my apologies in this regard; I'm not a good "reporter" for "all conditions" per se, and the reason is that I don't play [or am even interested in] lower limit tables. Not that it isn't important, and not that I wouldn't play lower limit tables, it's just that the information that I am interested in, and are already paying for is for info regarding conditions that relate to larger amounts of money. That being said, there is a lot of information that is helpful above and beyond "current" conditions as conditions change, unfortunately. Some things don't change as quickly, and this is what I'd like to pay for. Take for example, the Grand Casino in Tunica; Why are their games so bad? What is the mentality of their pit critters? Why do they think that way. There's more but...not now.

    Another example; The Las Vegas Hilton, on a recent weekend when rooms throughout the strip were hard to find, not to mention having rates jacked up 2-3 times their value, were only at 30% capacity. Why? Why do the dealers say that they can't wait and make predictions that mindplay will be gone in less than 6 months. This is the type of info that can be exploited.

    I have no vested interest in anyones business success as it relates to bj sites and/or book, magazines, systems sales etc. I use them all, so competition is good. I hope the people at cbjn read this as well as bjfonline because that will help all of us in our quest to make regular withdrawals at the casinos of our choice. That's it.

    Many things can't be specific, and nor would I divulge that, but, many pieces of information, when put together by enterprising individuals will become meaningful.

    So please.. let the competition begin.

    > Will be pleased to add the Lula game if you
    > could be kind enough to advise the rules,
    > limits and other information, as no report
    > was yet received.

    Sorry for my verbose comments above, but in my earlier post, that's all anyone who plays high stakes needs to know. If I had read these comments prior to being nearby, I wouldn't have gone.... well, maybe for a looksee, quickly, but if I was on a time budget, no way. if I'm a local, and I have time..ok Otherwise, forget it.

    Here's another one for you. Harrah's in Tunica, on a recent Saturday night, had 2, countem, TWO DD tables open at $10 min. I think they may have had only 6-7 BJ tables open in the whole place. It's slots, slots, and more slots. Should come as no surprise to anyone who has had the displeasure of the Harrah's Experience. Just awful. BTW, I merely walked through as a tourist...I NEVER PLAY HARRAH'S, and neither should anyone else. PERIOD. In My not so HUMBLE OPINION [and I am a humble person, so take my statement in the context that it's given]



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