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Thread: Viktor Nacht: Shuffle Tracking Seminar Update

  1. #1
    Viktor Nacht

    Viktor Nacht: Shuffle Tracking Seminar Update

    Dear Friends,

    I apologize for the obvious lack of communication concerning the shuffle-tracking seminar. After our announcement, there was a flurry of activity: A combination of concerns on the part of my previous teammates, and a number of changes to the seminar itself. We've remained in constant touch with our registered students, and now that things have settled down, we are ready to update everyone and fill the few remaining seats.

    As it stands, the seminar will be taking place with the following caveats:

    * Instead of George C., the seminar is now being instructed, and the curriculum planned, by two old-school, full-time professionals (who must remain anonymous), having played individually and with major teams for over the last twenty years. RGE is providing written, signed satisfaction guarantees to registrants.

    * The NRS Formula will be covered in greater depth than originally planned, based on the knowledge and techniques of the new instructors.

    * Strict security protocols will be in effect to guarantee your privacy. Exact location details will be distributed on the day of the seminar. Our instructors will be using their contacts to guarantee no industry personnel are present. But based on the input of people far more experienced than myself, we're very confident the security of this event will not be compromised.

    (We have also learned that announcing the exact dates of the seminar was a mistake, which we won't repeat in future seminars.)

    * Students are expected to read:
    - Part I of Blackjack Essays by Mason Malmuth
    - Chapter 8 of Blackjack Attack! by Don Schlesinger and familiarize themselves with Table 8.3

    * The new instructors advised me to correct the previous information and inform that the suggested bankroll for optional homework is $1,000-$1,500. This is due in part to weekend table conditions, and I made a mistake with my initial calculations.

    * Everyone who signed up at the $299 tuition is having their registration honored. However, because of the increased investment being made in security (intel doesn't come cheap and the greater sophistication of the instructors, tuition is now $399. This includes RGE's 100% satisfaction guarantee.

    Call us at (702) 798-7RGE to register.

    Why is it the first time you do anything, it's always a pain in the ass?

    Thanks for all your patience.

    Good Cards,


  2. #2
    Birthday Boy (22)

    Birthday Boy (22): Re: Shuffle Tracking Seminar Update

    I think this ST Seminar is a fantastic Idea, and would love to go myself, but I know I am not yet upto scratch on my card counting yet and so would be a waste of time(and money)!
    If this ST Seminar goes well, do you think you would be planning more in the near future as I would love to attend in a year or so?

  3. #3
    Viktor Nacht

    Viktor Nacht: More Next Year

    We'll be doing another one early next year, although we don't yet have an instructor(s) for that one. Noone wants to commit to anything regular.

    Who knows from there. Hopefully we can do this periodiclly, refining it as we go.

    Good Cards,


  4. #4

    Shark: Europe seminar

    Good luck with your new shuffle tracking seminar. I hope it is just a glorious beginning for more to come. Hopefully one day you will be offering such seminar in a European destination as well.Shark

    > We'll be doing another one early next year,
    > although we don't yet have an instructor(s)
    > for that one. Noone wants to commit to
    > anything regular.

    > Who knows from there. Hopefully we can do
    > this periodiclly, refining it as we go.

    > Good Cards,

    > V

  5. #5

    WripVan: Re: Shuffle Tracking Seminar Update

    > Dear Friends,

    > I apologize for the obvious lack of
    > communication concerning the
    > shuffle-tracking seminar. After our
    > announcement, there was a flurry of
    > activity: A combination of concerns on the
    > part of my previous teammates, and a number
    > of changes to the seminar itself. We've
    > remained in constant touch with our
    > registered students, and now that things
    > have settled down, we are ready to update
    > everyone and fill the few remaining seats.

    > As it stands, the seminar will be taking
    > place with the following caveats:

    > * Instead of George C., the seminar is now
    > being instructed, and the curriculum
    > planned, by two old-school, full-time
    > professionals (who must remain anonymous),
    > having played individually and with major
    > teams for over the last twenty years. RGE is
    > providing written, signed satisfaction
    > guarantees to registrants.

    > * The NRS Formula will be covered in greater
    > depth than originally planned, based on the
    > knowledge and techniques of the new
    > instructors.

    > * Strict security protocols will be in
    > effect to guarantee your privacy. Exact
    > location details will be distributed on the
    > day of the seminar. Our instructors will be
    > using their contacts to guarantee no
    > industry personnel are present. But based on
    > the input of people far more experienced
    > than myself, we're very confident the
    > security of this event will not be
    > compromised.

    > (We have also learned that announcing the
    > exact dates of the seminar was a mistake,
    > which we won't repeat in future seminars.)

    > * Students are expected to read:
    > - Part I of Blackjack Essays by Mason
    > Malmuth
    > - Chapter 8 of Blackjack Attack! by Don
    > Schlesinger and familiarize themselves with
    > Table 8.3

    > * The new instructors advised me to correct
    > the previous information and inform that the
    > suggested bankroll for optional homework is
    > $1,000-$1,500. This is due in part to
    > weekend table conditions, and I made a
    > mistake with my initial calculations.

    > * Everyone who signed up at the $299 tuition
    > is having their registration honored.
    > However, because of the increased investment
    > being made in security (intel doesn't come
    > cheap and the greater sophistication of
    > the instructors, tuition is now $399. This
    > includes RGE's 100% satisfaction guarantee.

    > Call us at (702) 798-7RGE to register.

    > Why is it the first time you do anything,
    > it's always a pain in the ass?

    > Thanks for all your patience.

    > Good Cards,

    > V


    I will not be able to attend the Shuffle Tracking seminar this year. However, I do have a question concerning the seminar and the RGE Professional Network.

    Since the Shuffle Tracking Forum is a part of the RGE Professional Network, will seminar attendees be given any preferential consideration for membership in the RGE Professional Network after they have attended the seminar, assuming they are interested in furthering what they learn in the seminar?

  6. #6
    Viktor Nacht

    Viktor Nacht: It would be a different seminar

    If we held a shuffle tracking seminar with ProNet people in mind, it would be a seperate seminar with a more advanced, and sensitive, curriculum.

    Which isn't a bad idea. Hmmm....

    Best Regards,



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