> I'm surprised that the print catalog and the
> Web site don't correspond. Obviously, the
> print catalog is a once-a-year affair, while
> the Web site can be updated constantly. I
> can only guess that the title was added
> within the last year to their online catalog
> and will be in next year's print catalog, or
> that its omission in the current print
> version was an oversight.

The opposite may also be true. For example, they are phasing the book out and do not want to be committed to selling it for another year when they can remove it from the website as soon as the last one is sold. That is only conjecture, BTW. I do not know why they do not correspond.

As for the ommission of BJ in the Zone 2 from our web catalog, that is because I have been awaiting the final web art for the cover, which has only recently been completed. Besides, I have enough back orders for the book without adding more. Also, book will be done this week and mailed out Friday or next Monday, as far as I can tell.
