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Thread: Blackjack maniac: Some more ?s on Colombia

  1. #1
    Blackjack maniac

    Blackjack maniac: Some more ?s on Colombia

    Let's set aside thoughts of playing BJ for a moment.

    What are the recomendations for a gringo; obviously white american, who wants to go to Cali Colombia for just a week.

    What would be the recommended $ amount needed?

    Where and how to convert $ to pesos?

    What pitfalls are there to avoid?

    What preparations should be made if one may want to extend the trip?

    I have read that to state on your passport? that you want to stay longer then you plan to make things easier to extend your stay.

    I also heard years ago not to state that you are American in casual conversation when you are in a foreign country, at the time they said Canadian was the way to go.

    Maybe getting a tan and dyeing the hair black would not be the dumbest thing to do eh? LOL (Canadian joke!)

    I would think a lot of ideas generated would be useful when going to any country.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2

    colombian: Re: Some more ?s on Colombia

    > Let's set aside thoughts of playing BJ for a moment.

    > What are the recomendations for a gringo; obviously
    > white american, who wants to go to Cali Colombia for
    > just a week.

    > What would be the recommended $ amount needed?

    take 9999.99$ and you need not declare. Very few controls when you leave the country, so no problem if you win 10k.

    > Where and how to convert $ to pesos?

    at an exchange office or a casino. comission is no problem.

    > What pitfalls are there to avoid?

    nothing special. do not win too much in one session.

    > What preparations should be made if one may want to
    > extend the trip?

    no problem.

    > I have read that to state on your passport? that you
    > want to stay longer then you plan to make things
    > easier to extend your stay.

    I do not understand this part.

    > I also heard years ago not to state that you are
    > American in casual conversation when you are in a
    > foreign country, at the time they said Canadian was
    > the way to go.

    Why dont you tell them you are from England?

    > Maybe getting a tan and dyeing the hair black would
    > not be the dumbest thing to do eh? LOL (Canadian
    > joke!)

    indeed: good joke

    > I would think a lot of ideas generated would be useful
    > when going to any country.

    > Thanks in advance

  3. #3

    ToJeDobro: Re: Traveling to Colombia

    A few tips for Colombia. I assume you've traveled and will follow all the basic guidelines for safety.

    1. Colombia (other than maybe Cartegena) has relatively fewer foreigners than many other countries so if you are a self-declared "white American without black hair and a tan" it is guaranteed you will stick-out. Moreover, you will be something of a curio and can expect many Colombians to gawk at you as you walk the streets, including in the largest cities. If you are of even average height in the U.S., your stature alone will get you noticed there. So don't get cute, trying to hide your identity.

    2. Spanish as spoken in Colombia is very distinctive, tends to be more formal and includes grammatical structures & vocabulary that is considered borderline archaic by some. No matter how well you think you speak Spanish in Cancun, the Colombians will immediately recognize you're not local.

    3. The guerillas control the vast majority of the country-side beginning immediately beyond the city limits. Do NOT leave the city limits without a very specific plan of where you're going, with whom and when. Similarly, it is far safer to travel to Cali via air than over ground. (Btw, if you travel through Bogota be aware that it is quite cool up in the mountains. You'll need long slacks. A jacket is best in the evenings.)

    4. Don't kid yourself. Virtually every wealthy Colombian knows someone who's been kidnapped; it's no joke. The kidnappings are almost always for raising money. So don't go out of your way to look overly affluent.

    5. Carry two "wallets." One wallet have in your front or rear pocket with a minimum of US$100 and a credit card. The second wallet should contain your ID, anything important plus enough emergency money to travel on. Stash the second wallet somewhere very discreet. If you're robbed immediately surrender wallet #1 and pray the robber is satisfied with his take.

    6. Be aware that the so-called "date-rape drug" was prevalent in Colombia and used to rob the unsuspecting. Never leave a drink in a bar unattended.

    7. The ever-present military guarding the streets may appear shockingly young. Don't give them too much attention because you're likely just making them nervous.

    8. U.S. customs will have a dog on duty in the gangway from the plane when you return (yes, every flight between Colombia and the U.S.) so unless you want to be the day's headline don't get anywhere near any drugs - period.

    Most importantly. Relax and have fun. The Colombians are endlessly charming, the country's breath-taking and the ladies are stunningly beautiful.

  4. #4
    Blackjack Hack

    Blackjack Hack: Probably money sniffing dogs at customs beware 10g declaration coming back! *NM*


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