> Why to spent time and energy and travel all over
> france when you have so trackable shuffles at Monte
> Carlo.
> The place is a paradise for shuffle trackers.
> Penetration is 4 out of six.(66%)
> The heat starts when you make more than 10k.
> They do not ask for ID so if you go again after 2-3
> months
> no problem.
> Just be positive that in the casino there are not
> another five counters because this is how I was barred
> from there.
> After making with a team of four counters about 70k in
> some days.
> Play at Sun Casino where the heat is less.
> Cafe de pari has more heat.
> When I was barred I gave the case to my laywer in
> France so I can try go back.Guess what?
> He never found a corresponding laywer what was needed
> to file the case.
> Monegascous are really sun of the ...
> Go there and make really money.
> They have tables with 2000 euros maximum.

I know hundreds of better places than to play in Monte Carlo. This a real sweat shop. Big control and they will ask you for ID. They WILL come to your table. Three or four bosses, controling your action before by camera. May be because of AP or unsual cash transaction.
But all the other good places I know in this world, I will not speak out loud like you. "paradise....." . No use, on an open board.
They really must hit you hard in Monte Carlo, when you played there.