“Hi-Opt II with an ace side count is superior to all systems that DO NOT use any side count, including CAC2 in its standard version.”

I swear I have not seen the CAC system. Furthermore, nobody has revealed to me any “secrets”. But the author himself revealed here at least two of the secret features of his system. One, Ace is counted; I guess -1. Two, the system is balanced. I would guess again. Either 6 is+2, or, surprisingly, 8=+1.

I’ve been reluctant to acquire the CAC system. I have a problem with self-deprecation. The penname of the author and the name of his system are cacophonic. Both sound awful to me. Cacarulo! CAC! Remind me of a self-deprecating versification in French about one Ninette and caca.

Having said that, I seem to be interested in the system. CAC was launched with fanfare in 2023. It is now 2024. Still waiting for an honest someone posting a real-life experience with the system. I mean, someone having played in a BaM American casino, especially. I would be interested especially in the author’s experience in the casino. Systems originate in real-life. No offence, just my honest opinion.