I have a suspicion that the lure of counting cards gives one a unique advantage, and thus one should always be winning. We know this not to be true, yet we/I am here. Personally, as someone who previously played the game all wrong (prior to counting) I can noticably see the difference in performance as I am not losing as much and I'm more disciplined. This leads me to continue to dig and explore card counting and it's foundations.

Is Baccarat exploitable at all do you know?

I am going to respectfully disagree with you, and trust me, I hate to do so as I know you are one of the Godfather's in this field and I appreciate very much what you do.

THE RESULTS DO MATTER. I'm not playing out of curiosity or to win debates surrounding computer simulations. I'm playing to make money and as much as possible! Proper play is paramount, and I'm striving to continuously improve. To objectively cut out the noise of covariances, correlation coefficients, and TVM (Time value of money) ok kidding here as I was a former finance major, but mentality is important although not so much quantifiable.

I'm going to assume that when you say "Once you are playing properly" that the results (Money) will come. Essentially focus on proper play and money will follow??

Yes I can be trading options on line and losing no big deal, but down $100 in Blackjack and boy I'm aggravated.

Respectfully submitted