Quote Originally Posted by Cacarulo View Post
I've found one bug, but there's another one lurking around that's driving me crazy.
The following is a list with only the splits. We might be 100% in agreement regarding
Standing, Hitting, and Doubling, but not so much in Splitting, and I don't understand why.
And I know it has nothing to do with the splitting routine. I use:

 Hand     Standing            Hitting             Doubling            Splitting
 A-A   -0.43060979624647    0.00744776368644   -0.26632182751754    0.32345757722700 => P
 2-2   -0.43653687111080   -0.19848037379651   -0.82496851203056   -0.26756733803531 => H
 3-3   -0.43630981351727   -0.23994435597042   -0.80213035117781   -0.30935774135543 => H
 4-4   -0.43611644886577   -0.12478675211270   -0.42657887496346   -0.35091934452573 => H
 5-5   -0.43592296988447    0.10090965028670    0.19998889536827   -0.39465798844387 => D
 6-6   -0.43741256140498   -0.32256918500666   -0.62914539795086   -0.42655201559236 => H
 7-7   -0.43467868632438   -0.42615416938779   -0.81383273090416   -0.37818712820015 => P
 8-8   -0.43560801408521   -0.50653068462492   -0.96495613905881   -0.20179842181804 => P
 9-9   -0.00493073895313   -0.63799907995511   -1.22789292971917   -0.00423297207660 => P
 T-T    0.58091388727359   -0.85790041631634   -1.66869779473729    0.24006930382789 => S
To reach the line where the player has a 9-9, I use the following table as a starting point.

   Hand      Standing    Hitting     Doubling    Splitting
 9-9 vs A   -0.093071   -0.626095   -1.252191   -0.121888   => S
 9-9 vs T   -0.171080   -0.643985   -1.287970   -0.299057   => S
 9-9 vs 9   -0.185235   -0.613052   -1.226103   -0.105627   => P
 9-9 vs 8    0.099261   -0.587148   -1.174296    0.193427   => P
 9-9 vs 7    0.399576   -0.587176   -1.174353    0.343323   => S
 9-9 vs 6    0.280805   -0.604091   -1.208183    0.387321   => P
 9-9 vs 5    0.200047   -0.611359   -1.222718    0.319391   => P
 9-9 vs 4    0.174080   -0.614207   -1.228414    0.256731   => P
 9-9 vs 3    0.144792   -0.622799   -1.245598    0.198208   => P
 9-9 vs 2    0.124232   -0.623270   -1.246540    0.152445   => P
Why, if all the expected values are correct, am I not getting the correct result ONLY
in the splitting column?


What I do is the following:

one split allowed
1. OverallEVx = value of drawing to first pair card
   For 9-9 (loss to dealer BJ) 6 decks, SPL1, NDAS, OverallEVx = -0.039403112634580864
2. If lose all to dealer BJ
   overallSplitEV = 2 * OverallEVx = -0.078806225269161728
3. If OBO, one split hand is not at risk so "rebate" is given if dealer has BJ
   prob dealer BJ = 0.048105230191042903
   overallSplitEV = -0.078806225269161728 + 0.048105230191042903
   overallSplitEV = -0.030700995078118825
multiple splits
1. compute values for overallEVx[numsplits] and overallEVPair[numSplits]
2. from above compute SPL1, SPL2, SPL3 for lose all to dealer BJ
3. for OBO compute number of expected hands
   for SPL1 number of expected hands = 2
   for > SPL1 number of expected hands depends upon number of pair cards and non-pair cards present and splits allowed
4. "rebate" = (number of expected hands - 1) * (prob dealer BJ)
   adjust SPL1, SPL2, SPL3 by relevant "rebate"
This is same way I compute for 1 known dealer card (up card)
