First Wipe Out of This Winter
Got up early this morning to bring out the garbage. Our nice warm weather has ended, and we have been getting a little snow over the last few days. I always check out conditions before I bring the garbage out.

Yep, you guessed it. As I was walking down the driveway I slipped on an icy spot and wiped out. I just had my pants on, my rubbers, and a tee shirt. No gloves. I knew I wouldn't be able to get up without something to hang onto so I had only two choices. I could crawl over to the outside car and grab onto the door handle and pull myself up or I could crawl over to the house and grab onto the rain gutter coming down from the roof. I decided to go the rain gutter route. It was about a 15 ft crawl, and yes the snow is cold on bare hands. Okay, the rain gutter helped me get up, and the first thing I did was run warm water over my cold hands.

Now I was ready to continue my check out of conditions. This time I noticed the neighbors dog barking very loud. Something was up. As I got down by the road in still very dark conditions I see a skunk running full speed towards me. He probably didn't see me and the dog scared him. I yelled at him and ran up that slippery driveway as fast as I could go hoping he wouldn't follow me into the garage. Heck, skunks aren't suppose to be out this time of year.

Anyway, all the east coast folks enjoy your snow today, but be careful to not slip.