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Thread: New Cars Spying on you

  1. #1
    Senior Member drunk's Avatar
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    New Cars Spying on you

    new cars are spying on the occupants

    from the article:

    "Popular global brands including BMW, Ford, Toyota, Tesla, Kia, and Subaru were found to collect "deeply personal data" on their users, such as immigration status, race, facial expressions, weight, health and genetic information, and where you drive. Mozilla's researchers found that data is being gathered by a combination of sensors, microphones, and cameras; as well as the car's app, which provides a gateway to information on your phone; and third-party apps like Sirius XM and Google Maps.

    And worse, we don't know what car companies are doing with this information. Of the brands surveyed, 84 percent said that they can share your personal data with service providers, data brokers, and other businesses; while 76 percent said that they can sell your personal data. An additional 56 percent also said that they can share information with government or law enforcement agencies with something as simple as a breezy "informal request."

    the research project found Nissan to be the worst offender; the company admits to collecting a wide range of information in its privacy policy including sexual activity, health diagnosis data, and genetic data. However, it doesn't say exactly how it collects this information.

    Other brands that fared poorly include Volkswagen, Kia, Toyota, and Mercedes-Benz. The latter brand even manufactures certain models with TikTok pre-installed—an app that has likewise raised concerns about data security and privacy."

    Please don't feed the trolls

  2. #2

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    New Cars Spying on you

    Laptops and iPhones are also monitored, so be careful when saving important information to these gadgets

  3. #3

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    I always take off my fitbit before sex

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