Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
First computer I programmed was several hundred pounds. The only input/output was a flexowriter. A typewriter with a paper tape reader/puncher. You couldn't just change a line of code on paper tape. Had to read it in and punch a new copy. Many years later we got to use CRTs instead of punch cards and printers. I remember when we got 300 baud modems to replace our 110 baud modems. We watched in glee at the huge speed increase. Now I have a optical fiber I'Net connection at one gigabit and complain if it slows down.

Long before asteroids became popular, I played it at IBM on an IBM 2250 display attached to a dedicated IBM 1130 computer. The 2250 cost about $2,000,000 in current dollars. The 1130 rented for about $8,000 a month in current dollars. And people complain about the price of games these days.
My first programs were developed on an IBM S/360 mainframe. Fortran IV, Cobol and Assembler. I remember those punch cards where each card represented a line of code.
