Quote Originally Posted by Avincow View Post
I have been playing BJ on the side for 7 years and I am at the point where I get backed off at some place every other trip. My advice is to reconsider your plan. Once you become known, your life becomes a little bit more difficult, although not impossible. If I were to do it again, I would have tried to fly under the radar a bit longer. But whatever you do, you will get found out eventually. Since you are playing 90 days, you might be able to get away without incident.

1. Don’t do a crazy spread. You will be instantly backed off, flyered, and unable to play in Vegas for the whole week. I have been flyered in other casino towns, not Vegas, and it’s not fun. You go to another casino, and get backed off before you reach the table. That was for $100-$800, doing something like $10-$1000 right off the bat will cause more problems I assume. Not saying you can never do $10-$1000, but I doubt being new, you will be able to determine correctly when to pull it off.
2. Feel out the action the casino can take. As mentioned before, I tried $100-$800 at a casino that is sweaty. I ignored this, and I got flyered. Try to bet around the same money as other people in the casino. If everyone is betting chump change, go to a different casino!
3. In Vegas, you really want to play 2-3 shoes, not double deck, and go to the next casino. Or if you show your max bet, go to the next casino after the shoe. That is hit and run. You show a little piece of what you are capable of, most people will not bother reviewing your play (but it can happen) and flyering you.
4. Vegas sucks, why don’t you consider a different place to play where they are not as eager to look for people. You can read through previous posts to see what other places are like. You can rent a car, play a couple hours in Casino A, drive 10 min to the next casino, play a couple hours, drive 45 min to the next casino, play a couple hours.
5. Don’t play rated. And you have a perfect excuse, you are a foreigner. You will get hassled for a card, don’t get one!

Have fun.
thank you very much for these detailed answers. I will definetly do my research here in this forum for better locations. You asked about why Vegas? Simply because it is Vegas and it has this glamour. Thought it would be nice as a tourist trip as well.

thanks again so far