Day 12: Day of rest.

Day 13 in progress: Walked into a really nice casino and played for about 15 minutes before I noticed the pit call upstairs. Great, I thought, I'm going to get backed off with no play time. 5 minutes later another guy comes into the pit wearing a grey suit. They talk amongst themselves and keep turning toward me watching my bets. A few minutes pass and grey suit comes up to me for the backoff. He says, sir we've been watching your play and want to make sure next time you come here you're comfortable. I'm a host with this casino, do you have a players card? I say no. He says well if you give me your ID I can print one up in two minutes. In my head I'm thinking 50/50 this is a trap, but I've never been backed off like this so I decide to roll with it. He goes to the pit with my ID and they're all staring at it. For sure I just got duped. Nope! He comes back with a players card, gives me his phone number and business card, then says let me know the next time your in town and I'll make sure you comfortable. LOL This is awesome.