Quote Originally Posted by Grobbelaar View Post
So I guess, if the Dealer only checks the Ace, I would double down 11 vs Ace ... but only HIT with 11 vs TEN (as the dealer doesn't check if it's a BJ... right? (Like in the ENHC rule)

What I also would like to know, is, what does it affect the house edge? I guess it's only a little change of the house edge.. the difference would be, that I don't DD 11 vs TEN
You still aren't understanding. Forget all about what the dealer checks or doesn't check. It's entirely irrelevant if the game is OBO. Play normal BS as if the dealer peeked at all upcards. And, unless it's H17 you DON'T double 11 vs. Ace but you DO double 11 vs. 10.
