Masks are helping now, I know one friend, he devoted a whole work on how facial expressions, gestures, emotions, and involuntary movements affect. Naturally, the clue in the game is not only gestures and facial expressions, but also such criteria as the size of the bet, behavior at the table, handling cards and chips, and even the player's breath and posture. I will give a few examples that I personally borrowed from his work.
1. Handling cards
With a successful combination, the player lays out the cards meticulously and accurately, sorting and shuffling. If the cards are bad, then he throws them on the table and takes cards in his hands only when necessary.
2. Breathing
Breathing is also a meaningful clue. The breathing rhythm is almost always not played out. This sign is convenient to use when you are sitting close to the player. Even breathing and any attempts to suppress deep breaths are signs of a weak hand. Holding the breath indicates that the person likes what he sees: the card came good. In addition, at the moment when a person sees a successful combination, he unconsciously swallows saliva, which also gives out excitement.
3.A quick look at the chips
The most valuable of the unconscious signs is a quick glance at your chips, and then to the side or to the board. Such actions indicate a desire to place a bet. A similar tell is a look at the opponent's pieces.
4.Excessive courtesy
If having made a bet, the opponent begins to communicate in a friendly manner, most likely he is bluffing.
And, conversely, when a sociable opponent abruptly stops talking, he wants the bet to be called.
A beautiful and meaningful tell sign is a grin. In situations where, while remaining serious, a person suddenly explodes with laughter, in his arms - a bomb! A natural laugh is a sign of a good hand, but a feigned one is a sign of a bluff or a weak hand.
5.Card protection
Noticing that the opponent takes a quick glance at the cards and covers them with his hand, be sure that he has strong cards in his hands, which the player subconsciously tries to protect from any encroachments.
6.Show cards to friends
There are also such things, especially among inexperienced players. This is an absolutely reliable strong hand call. Firstly, this is how a newbie shows others that he is a good player, and secondly, a beginner player would be afraid to show a bluff in case he was given out.
7.Fast rate
Again, the action of beginners, which probably speaks of a successful combination. An instant bet is not a common feature of experienced players, whatever the cards.
8. A glass and a cigarette
After a bluff bet, the player will probably reach for a glass. With regard to smoking, here the strength of the hand can also be determined by the strength of the puffs. The puff is deep - the hand is strong. Your opponent doesn't care if you call or not. Short puffs are a common sign of bluffing.
9.Piercing gaze
It is he, no matter how strange it sounds, should be regarded as the weakness of the player. A piercing gaze is not dangerous.
10.Looking at maps for a long time
Indicates a weak hand. If, after a long stare, the player still bets, this is most likely a bluff. A very reliable tell - a second look at your cards after a bet has been made, indicating that the opponent is bluffing.
There are a lot of examples and techniques, this is only a part, you can of course observe and take into account all of them, or just put a bucket on your head with holes cut out