You start counting only after dealer begins the dealing of the second car. So, assuming the first guy has a 4 and gets a 10 card, count is zero, second guy has a 6, gets 5 on it, count is plus 2, third guy gets a queen dealt on his first card which is a king, count goes back to Zero. Dealer has an 8 showing. Count is still Zero.

Now, you start counting as each player makes a decision and account any card that is dealt. When it comes to the dealer, you count the hole card as he flips it and then each card thereafter. This is for HiLo but the same procedure goes for your count.

If it’s a face down game, you start with your own hand and then count the dealers up card.

Now, if you use a side count, Freightman can chip in with his renowned, easy and enjoyable way of side counting.