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Thread: For HL player who refuses to switch to KO use 5m9c as a side count to HL

  1. #14
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    T's long-winded posts were annoying and repetitive. But, there was some useful info in them, and I banned a member for spending months calling him (and others) frauds.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  2. #15

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    He was a fraud, between his fantasy, "I have eliminated variance," system he was unwilling to disclose and pretending it was for BJ, when it was for Sp21.
    I seem to recall Don debunking it, too.

    Norm, you should probably nip this thread in the bud, before it gets further out of hand.

  3. #16
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    I disagree with the characterizations. But, won't argue the point.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  4. #17

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    Quote Originally Posted by 21forme View Post
    He was a fraud, between his fantasy, "I have eliminated variance," system he was unwilling to disclose and pretending it was for BJ, when it was for Sp21.
    I seem to recall Don debunking it, too.

    Norm, you should probably nip this thread in the bud, before it gets further out of hand.
    Just had to get past the puffery. For many, it’s a matter of not seeing the forest for the trees.

  5. #18

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    Quote Originally Posted by Freightman View Post
    Just had to get past the puffery. For many, it’s a matter of not seeing the forest for the trees.
    I agree. He made good points, knew his stuff. He also seemed to put down players playing simpler counts and when he got into his “bins”, I would get lost.

  6. #19

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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeeBabar View Post
    I agree. He made good points, knew his stuff. He also seemed to put down players playing simpler counts and when he got into his “bins”, I would get lost.
    To the contrary. I praise players using simple counts. I do not like complicated counts like HO2 w ASC, never did and never will.

    I have three criteria for a count system:

    (1) Power - as measured by PE, BE (using CC) and Sims which means if the system was played perfectly, which only a computer can do, which system is best.

    But since humans play I add two additional criteria

    (2) Accuracy around a true count of four were maximum bets are made and accuracy of the side counts - plus/minus side counts are exact, ASC is approximate.

    (3) Ease of use, aka, simplicity.

    That is the entire reason I suggested adding 5m9c to the HL. This avoids the HL player learning anything new - he keeps his HL count, HL indices and just adds a very simple plus minus 5m9c for betting and a few simple strategy adjustments to add to the HL that are easy to remember.

    The HL w 5m9c does NOT come anywhere close to HO2 w ASC and that was never my goal.

    My goal was SIMPLICITY. I wanted a very simple adjustment to the HL that would give an extra advantage to the player.

    And I stated that the HL does win but if the HL wants a little extra edge without a lot of work, then I suggested keeping 5m9c with the HL. No new system to learn, betting is improved and a few simple adjustment to select HL strategy changes that are easy to remember.

    So this 5m9c is for the HL player who would never switch to another count system but wants extra power with as simple a system as possible.

    In the shoe game, improving betting is most important, so 5m9c added to HL fits in here perfectly.

    5m9c is a SIMPLE and EASY adjustment to the HL
    Last edited by bjanalyst; 08-07-2020 at 10:15 PM.

  7. #20

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    Attached are some minor stand-alone 5m9c strategy changes. They do not add much but if you are keeping the 5m9c to improve HL betting you might as well know theres.

    So please review the attached two page PDF with these stand-along 5m9c strategy changes. You already know the hard 16 v 7 but the others are new.

    Six Deck Stand-alone 5m9c strategy changes

    Stand on hard 16 v 7 if 5m9c >= 2.5*dr
    Stand on hard 16 v 8 if 5m9c >= 4.5*dr
    Split 2,2 v 8 DAS if 5m9c >= dr
    Split 6,6 v 7 DAS if 5m9c <= (-1)*dr
    Split 7,7 v 8 DAS if 5m9c >= dr

    As I said these will have just a minor impact on your win rate but might was well learn them if you are keeping 5m9c with HL for betting anyhow.

    So please review attached TWO page PDF for details on these plays.
    Stand-alone 5m9c.pdf

  8. #21

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    Quote Originally Posted by bjanalyst View Post
    Adding 5m9c helps the HL mainly with betting. The strategy change improvements are just extra frosting on the cake but that is not why you were keeping 5m9c.

    Near the end of the, precise betting is very important as a difference of just a few HL true count points with one deck left would make the difference between a minimum bet and a maximum bet.

    Also the 5m9c is a plus/minus count and is exact, unlike the ASC which depends on an estimate of decks played. You need an exact count for betting which is what brc = HL + (1/2)*(5m9c) is.

    For example, if dr = 1 and HL = 4 then tc(HL) = 4 and so you have a maximum bet out. But suppose 5m9c = (-8). Then brc = HL + (1/2)*(5m9c) = 4 + (1/2)*(-8) = 0. So you actually have your maximum bet out when the betting true count is zero and the casino has the edge.

    Or suppose dr = 1 and HL = 0 but 5m9c = 8, In this case you bet your minimum bet or actually stay out of the hand using just the HL count But HL + (1/2)*(5m9c) = 0 + (1/2)*8 = 4 for brc = 4 and since dr = 1 then btc (betting true count) = 4 and your maximum bet should be out.

    So there are two errors you can make with a low betting efficiency count. The first is betting when you should not be betting which was was the first case I mentioned above. The second is not betting when you should be betting which is the second case I mentioned above.

    In the shoe game betting is very important and these corrections to accurate betting do ad up. The example I gave near the end of the shoe was extreme. But you are making betting decisions on every blackjack hand. Improving your betting for every blackjack hand in all the shoes you play does adds up. It not only increases your expected value but also just as importantly reduces variance and risk and so you will have less losing sessions and more winning sessions.

    What I did was try to make the simplest adjustment possible to the HL with the biggest impact for the least amount of work. That is why I recommend 5m9c for the HL player. The player just needs to keep two integers in his head, HL and 5m9c, and can update the 5m9c after all cards are on the table and then again as the hands are finished played out for that round. Alternately a stack of chips can be used to keep the 5m9c side count in which case the player just needs to keep HL in his head with no extra mental work.

    So this is a very simple adjustment and improvement for the HL player who refuses to give up the HL count and still wants some simple and easy type of improvement.

    There is nothing wrong with the stand-alone HL with no side counts. The HL will get you the money and if you do not wish to do any extra work then just continue to use the HL.

    This suggesting was for those who want to keep the HL count and to improve the HL with the least effort possible. There are no new indices or count system to learn. You just keep the HL that you were always using and then just add a 5m9c side count mainly to help with betting but also helps with a few playing strategy decisions I mentioned above.
    Can you elaborate please?

  9. #22

    0 out of 2 members found this post helpful. Did you find this post helpful? Yes | No
    Quote Originally Posted by ZeeBabar View Post
    Can you elaborate please?

    The BCC for HL is increased, for S17, DAS, LS game, from 96.5% to 98.4% when HL + (1/2)*(5m9c) is used for betting instead of stand alone HL.

    Removal of the five helps the player the most as a five will make any dealer stiff into a pat hand.
    If 5m9c > 0 then more fives than nines came out of the shoe so there is a deficiency of fives and and excess of nines left in the shoe.

    So you swipe out a five for a nine when 5m9c > 0 which helps the player.
    Now instead of the dealer hitting his stiff with a five, he hits his stiff with a nine and, except for hard 12, busts.
    Note the tag values of HL + (1/2)*(5m9c) as compared to Wong's Halves, which you now has excellent betting efficiency, in the attached file.

    The tag values of HL + (1/2)*(5m9c) compared to Wong's Halves differs in only the 2's and 7's. In HL + (1/2)*(5m9c) the 2's are plus one and the sevens are zero and in Wong's Halves the 2's and 7's are each (1/2). The sevens should be counted as (1/2) for betting but in HL + (1/2)*(5m9c) the sevens are still counted as zero. This gives Wong's Halves it additional 0.9% BCC of 98.3% over HL + (1/2)*(5m9c) BCC of 98.4%.

    Bottom line is keeping the HL with a simple 5m9c is much simpler than keeping a complicated level 3 Wong's count. You only need to remember two integers, the HL and 5m9c and you update the HL on the fly as the cards are played and yo update the 5m9c after all hands are on the table so you just scan for fives and nines seen and then calculate 5m9s (s = seen) and add to 5m9c from previous round. Then continue to update the 5m9c as the player's finish playing their hands. There are only two ranks you are following with 5m9c so the updating not that frequent.

    Alternately, you can use chips to keep the 5m9c. Just be discrete with your 5m9c stack of chips. Don't be obvious with it and do not draw attention. Make it look like you are just playing with your chips. I will attach a PDF showing the 5m9c stack of chips also.

    Please look closely at the PDF of using chips with 5m9c. You will notice on the bottom of the PDF is shows SD(5m9c) / SD (HL) = 0.4472. What this means is that the variability of the 5m9c is approximately 45% of the variability of the HL. So in a five out of six decks you can expect the extreme values of the HL ot range from -30 to +30. So the extrema values of 5m9c you can expect to range from (45%)*(-30) = -14 to (45%)*(30) = +14.

    Also you have flexibility in spiking out 5m9c and HL for playing strategy play. You will still use HL for most strategy changes and you use 5m9c with the HL only when it helps HL strategy changes. So you have a choice - use 5m9c with playing strategy changes when it helps and don't use it when it does not help and use stand-alone HL instead.

    With Wong's Halves you are stuck with one count and must use Wong's Halves for all strategy changes.

    Wong Halves improves betting but for some playing strategy changes Wong's Halves reduces HL playing efficiency.

    Take for example insurance, the most important playing strategy change.

    Wong's Halves used for insurance actually performs worse than HL. With Wong's Halves you do not have a choice as the tag values or fixed for betting and all playing strategy decisions. Using 5m9c you can use it or not use it, whichever is best. Actually for insurance it is best to use 5m9c but with a value of k = (-1/2) in HL + k*(5m9c). That is, you would use HL - (1/2)*(5m9c) for insurance. The gain is so small that I do not recommend you even learn this. Just use HL for all strategy changes except for the few I mentioned that you use HL + 5m9c in my original post.

    See attached PDFs. I hope that this answers your questions.

    The first is BCC of HL + (1/2)*(5m9c) as compared to Wong's Halves.
    The second is insurance of HL vs Wong's Halves.
    The third is a diagram of using chips for the 5m9c.
    HL w 5m9c vs Wongs Halves.pdf
    Insurance with HL vs Wong's Halves.pdf
    Chips used for 5m9c.pdf
    Last edited by bjanalyst; 08-08-2020 at 08:27 PM.

  10. #23

    1 out of 1 members found this post helpful. Did you find this post helpful? Yes | No
    Too short. Longer, please. And you left a few things out. Please repeat everything you've written 25 times, and go for 26. We're all ears.


  11. #24

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    You continue to harp on halves being a difficult level 3 count. It is a SIMPLE level 3 count. Halves (Basic) does have poor PE and IC, not hugely significant in a shoe game, however adding FBM ASC Basic allows for significant improved strategy and playing decisions for shoe, and turns Halves FBM ASC Basic into a formidable pitch game system. Comments on improved IC and PE have been previously alluded to, and do not need repeated at this time.

    FBM ASC Advanced incorporates all that FBM ASC Basic has to offer, plus the tool to properly evaluate the concept of “Quality of True Count”. Your 5m9c might be (I’d have to think on it) the little brother. I would have to actually read more of your PDFs, which I am loath(e) to do.

    I might actually consider providing more information on the Quality of True Count, it’s effects on standard ramp schemes as well as its significant positive effect when utilized with a dual ramp system. I’m sure that our viewing public would be thrilled to evaluate the difference between your top flight game system vs. Halves FBM ASC Advanced, with dual ramp system. Of great interest would be the theory behind it, and it’s effects on profitability.

  12. #25

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    Quote Originally Posted by DSchles View Post
    Too short. Longer, please. And you left a few things out. Please repeat everything you've written 25 times, and go for 26. We're all ears.

    I have just laid the gauntlet. Notice my spelling of loath(e).

  13. #26

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    Quote Originally Posted by DSchles View Post
    Too short. Longer, please. And you left a few things out. Please repeat everything you've written 25 times, and go for 26. We're all ears.

    I was specifically asked to ELABORATE on my long initial post which was actually quoted by the reader when he asked me to elaborate.

    Apparently that first post was not long enough for the reader and he needed additional clarification.

    Not everyone catches on as quickly as you do. I have to write for my audience so there is no misunderstanding.

    So this long post was done as a courtesy to those who do not catch on as quickly as you do.

    You need to have patience for those who need extra help.
    Last edited by bjanalyst; 08-08-2020 at 08:55 PM.

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