Quote Originally Posted by SplitEm View Post
Hi all.

I'm curious whether people are memorizing deviations for a variety of games. Specifically, I'm practicing deviations for S17 shoe games, but it seems like if you really want to be versatile you need to learn at least H17 shoe games. And then there are DD games with another set of basic strategy and deviation rules.

Are people actually learning 2 to 4 different sets of basic strategy rules along with their associated deviations? This would seem difficult, if not impossible, to keep track of without mixing up the various index plays.

If you're only learning one composite set of BS and deviations, do you typically try to play only one type of game?

The reason I ask is that there are many H17 shoe games near me, so eventually I would try to learn both S17 and H17 deviations. But it seems challenging.

Thanks for any input.

In my area I can only find H17 in shoes without going to the HL room. I started by learning that. I then made flash cards to learn more indices and rule variations. On the back of a card I have a matrix. Left and right is for H17/S17. Up and down I have BS play, BS surrender, Index play, Index surrender. If you continuously drill the cards you will learn the entire "set of plays" for the hand. I expand the matrix on the card if I want to add something new (ENHC, NDAS). Next step for me is adding SHOE/DD split to the H17/S17 columns. I find that once you have learned everything completely it's not bad to add on new information, or add a new card to widen your indices.