I would never contradict RS or any other of our fantastic and reliable members but I would suggest NOT to be sitting/playing at a table that reaches a negative count of 2 or worse...especially not as far as -20!! I am sure he just made that reference for practice counting purposes ONLY. Since you have BS memorized completely I would suggest memorizing your Illustrious 18 and Fab 4 Indices as one of your next steps, these will increase your profit potential. Another big impact will be your ability to accurately estimate the remaining decks of cards. To do this I constantly carry 9 actual casino chips in my pocket, 9 chips is approximately identical to 2 decks of cards. I also have varying deck stacks positioned around my house, i glue them together with a glue stick at 1/2 deck incriments and i rotate their locale throughout my home occasionally. This tool lets you "eyeball" differing size decks of cards just by moving naturally thru the house day to day. Besides the books already mentioned to you i would recommend the free counting course at http://www.blackjackinfo.com/blackja...-lesson-03.php