Quote Originally Posted by nighterfighter View Post
There is no reason that this can't happen already, using OCR. The issue seems to be that

1) Casinos don't invest in super high quality cameras


2) Implementing a system to keep a running and TC conversion would be expensive to implement. (Not that it's hard, I'm 100% confident I can have a high school senior program that, assuming that the values are fed in to it via OCR, but rather anyone developing this system knows they can charge the casino a pretty penny for it)
I am not sure about the cost issue. If you can reduce your surveillance staff, get information to the pit where they can hawk the right table, seems to me they might actually save stuff. If they suspect card counting at a particular table, if they could use technology to tell them what the count is at a table instantly, would it not help them? Instead, they have to call upstairs and get someone to look into it?