Quote Originally Posted by SkinnyBJplayer View Post

I was trespassed and tossed from a
lavish penthouse suite at 4:00 a.m.
I was billed for over $25,000.
i disputed the charges.
My Credit Card carrier took my side.
I’m assuming you had one of the higher end credit cards, further supported by excellent credit and payment history. What these companies can do with software to evaluate honesty profiles (amongst others) is amazing.

Air Canada cancelled a flight about 10 years ago, that I had booked for a destination wedding for someone. The charges were about $4000. The assholes (maybe th3 Dipshit worked for them) refused to refund, giving me 6 months to book elsewhere on the prepaid trip.

Horseshit!. The credit card company refunded all charges. I simply provided the Air Canada response, as justification for RBC to reverse charges.

A life lesson for all. Pay heed.