Funny note about this. Refused a players card tonight. Spread pretty large for the casino's standards. Walked with a pocket stuffed with black while still down. Casino sent a goon down to intimidate me into handing up an ID. Not going to be in this unpleasant and backwards part of the USA for much longer so I realize refusing to show and walking probably isn't a strong play, as I like having my cash in cash, not uncashable chips. Also it was obvious they were planning to ID when I went to cash. Handed up my ID, made the security guard a pal.

In hindsight, if I'd just gotten a players card they probably wouldn't have acted this way as I'm still welcome to play in their establishment( unhindered for...probably 1 more hour if I'm lucky).

Take it as a case by case basis. But generally RCJH's advice holds strong.