Philster - Here's reality:

You are playing a losing game. If you enjoy playing, so be it. If you play once in your life and quit while you are up, you will be a lifetime winner. However, the math of the game gives the casino the advantage, which means the longer you play, the more likely your results will approach theoretical, and you will lose. Short term, anything can happen. Long story, short, play until you've had enough. If you are losing and you chase it to garner a win, you are getting closer to long term and will still be a loser.

While some people here are being very blunt, reality is reality. You can't win long term and it doesn't matter when you stop a "session" if you're going to play again in the future. There are no secret winning strategies (other than card counting, but those aren't secret) and no progressions or betting patterns predicated on the results of the previous hand. A negative expectation game is still a negative expectation game.

I wonder if we can stretch this out to 900 posts?