I’ll give an example of ETF’s work. He wrote a paper comparing OPP (a junk count) with HiLo. He determined that HiLo wasn’t that much better, but much more difficult. He ran HiLo with no indices, no insurance, and no true count betting. His argument was that it wouldn’t be fair to compare OPP with HiLo unless HiLo was used without a TC since OPP didn’t have a TC. Ignore the fact that HiLo in this manner is not HiLo. Counting depends on some manner of taking into account remaining cards. OPP has this. Any RC system has this. HiLo has it too. It’s called TC. If you remove TC from HiLo, it can’t take into account remaining cards. So, his conclusion was that OPP was easier than HiLo but close to as good (so long as you cripple HiLo). What’s more ridiculous is HiLo with no indices, and no TC, is actually easier than OPP, yet still better.

Like saying I can shoot better than LeBron James, so long as you tie his arms behind his back. (OK, he could still outshoot me.) ETF simply does not have a basic understanding of strategy comparison, no matter how many of us have tried to explain it to him.