Quote Originally Posted by 21forme View Post
Zee, I've taken plenty of shots at you in the past, but this isn't one of them.

I never said AP newbie/wannabes aren't welcome. However, they should provide a semblance of learning and progression in skills over time. Just look at Don's recent response to a newbie in another recent thread. He asks a question without giving the necessary info, Don responds telling him what info he needs to provide, and he keeps justifying his lack of info, still not providing it. This is the kind of person doomed to failure in this endeavor.

This is not a forum for ploppy voodoo. Norm has pointed that out plenty of times and has moved plenty of threads, including yours, to the voodoo forum.
If you want to emulate a relatively new AP who "gets it," start paying attention to RCJH.
21forme, take a look again at my original post. 85% of it is simply a report and about 15% is my admission that I screwed up. So, basically, you are asking me not to share my mistakes. You apparently dont have any problems with the 85%, just the 15% personal stuff about my mistakes (that I am aware of). For this, I am being attacked. If newbie/wannabe's and others find it bothers them to hear of my mistakes, I will keep it in mind and avoid mentioning anything personal.

I dont think Norm wants people attacking other posters. If it bothers you, skip my threads. It does seem that no matter what I post, it ends up being a long thread.