Quote Originally Posted by Freightman View Post
One of the beauties of retirement is having the time to peruse other sites. If I’m not mistaken, you mentioned elsewhere, under your Bob21 handle, that you had upwards of 40 different handles for various forums.

With your posting history as relevant background, it is clear that your primary purpose is to disrupt as much as possible everywhere you visit. Your comment above booms that you paid the membership price with the clear purpose of disruption and then cancelling your subscription during the guarantee period. It seems that you regard this activity as a means of self fornication.

Now, Norm has a short fuse when it comes to certain topics, Howe ever, as long as the rules are not broken, idiocy can prance unpunished. One of the problems here is the unfettered growth of the useless sock.
Wrongo Freightman, I have a lot more 40 than handles. If you’ve read any of other my posts on other forums, I have 256 handles that I use on 256 different forums. In my spare time, I invent new handles. Since they are just a bunch of random letters and numbers, it doesn’t take me long to invent a new handle.

As far as disrupting sites, I disagree with you. Even Bosox has said, one of my strengths is my consistent in my position, regardless of which one of the 256 handles I use. I know what I beleive. I’m not some guy who puts my finger in the air to see what the majority believe to see what I will beleive.

I only use one handle on one site and I've never used a sock puppet. I didn’t even know what a sock puppet was till I got on this site. If I get banned, then so be it, I’ll move on. Why would I want to post on a site where I’m not welcome.

I know an AP understanding the casino’s point of view is a rare bird. I guess you just call me “rare bird”. Hey, I just came up with a new handle for the next forum I join. Thanks Freightman.!

Btw, thanks for coming out of retirement to engage me. I missed our exchanges.