Reviving this thread so I don’t create another for the same question. Excuse the question but I’m not too experienced in the casino setting yet.

If I had my girlfriend with me at the table, and I was playing two hands ($5 min, spread 2x10 to 2x60), would it be suspicious to the pit if my girlfriend played my 2nd hand? So the chips would only be mine. I feel like its too obvious if I tell her to mimic my chipstack if she used her own chips or if I poked and prodded her.

She knows hard total BS, I’d tell her to ask me how to play any soft hands or splits. In terms of deviations I’d tell her to ask me how to play 9s and 12s as well (+ always stand on 16 v T). I feel like this covers all bases because most ill18 is 9s,12s, and soft totals.
What do you guys think?