Another rough weather week in the good ole U.P. I spent 1.5 hours at the beginning of the week shoveling out from winter storm "Taylor." Then along comes storm "Ulmer" dumping rain instead off snow. I was sure glad I had my roof shoveled before the rain hit as the area has seen more roof collapses.

Okay, rain means time to get the ice mat chopped up in the driveway. I spent a couple hours out in the rain getting my driveway down to payment. I was too tired to work on the path, and then "Ulmer's" cold side dumped another 6 inches of snow last night. I will have to go out and shovel tonight.

There is only so much you can take. I have heard before of somebody pulling out a gun and blasting away at a slot machine, but this is the first time I heard of someone blasting away at the snowbank with his gun. Anyway next week looks great, but right now I will have to shovel again.

Damn that snowbank:

Damn that roof snow:

And for Bubbles. Yeah, start a fire to melt the snow: