Quote Originally Posted by bjanalyst View Post
The only "correction" I made was that I did not include negative indices because I back count. I have now included negative indices so that now my system will beat the HO2 w ASC for the play all game also. And camoflague plays are sitll good even if you back count. Yes, the casino may figure you are a counter if they see you back counting but they will see you making what they consider crazy and incorrect plays and figure you are a poor counter who cannot win.
I doubt it that even adding negative indices with play all your system would beat Hi-OPT II ASC. One thing I learned about card counting is the advantage is not in the indices. It is in the tag values. This is have been proven using different level counts. A level 3 card counting system, like Halves, with 26 indices outperforms Hi-lo with over 100+ indices both positive and negative. If the advantages are in the indices how come Halves outperform Hi-lo with more indices?

Quote Originally Posted by bjanalyst View Post
And camoflague plays are sitll good even if you back count. Yes, the casino may figure you are a counter if they see you back counting but they will see you making what they consider crazy and incorrect plays and figure you are a poor counter who cannot win.
Firstly, even if the casino thinks that you are a poor counter who cannot win doesn't mean that they are not going to take countermeasures. Secondly, making the casino think you are crazy using incorrect plays doesn't mean that things are incapable of going wrong or being misused.

Quote Originally Posted by bjanalyst View Post
Also there are not four compenents - there is the pimracy KO with two side counts AA89mTc and 5m7c so that is a total of three counts. But all of htese counts are level one with the exception of AA89mTc which is techniaclly a level 2 but as easy as a level one to calcuilates since htere is only one rank, the Ace, counted as + 2 where athe HO2 has two ranks at +2, four ranks (the Tens) as -2 and four ranks as +1 which all must be counted at the same time.
Ok, than that would make Hi-OPT II with ASC only one component it is still less components that your system. You haven't answer why your system can't outperform Hi-OPT II with ASC with one component.
Quote Originally Posted by bjanalyst View Post
That is a difficult level 2 count and you keep on insisting that HO2 w ASC is easier to use you are saying level 2 counts are easier to keep than level 1 counts. You know what does not make any sense.
I didn't say that Hi-OPT II with ASC is easier to keep than level 1 counts. You made that up!!! What I said was Hi-OPT II with ASC is easier to keep than KO+5m7c+AA89mTc+b. Saying Hi-OPT II with ASCE is easier to keep than KO+5m7c+AA89mTc+b not the same as saying Hi-OPT II with ASC is easier to keep than level 1 counts. You are making an ass out of yourself by assuming that.

Quote Originally Posted by bjanalyst View Post
And I did see a Youtube video (which I cannot find now) how someone was using chips to keep track of Aces with the HO2. What they did was count Aces played as A, B, C, D and when you got past D, you put one chip to the side which corresponds to four Aces or one full deck of Aces and start over with A, B, C, D again and put another chip when you get to D and start at A again. I think this is a neat way to keep an Ace side count but I still like my plus/minus counts better since they are easier and 100% accurate since plus/minus counts do not involve estimating decks played whereas the calculation of Adef sill involves estimating decks played.
The same could be applied to Hi-OPT II. Why only to KO+5m7c+AA89mTc+b?

Quote Originally Posted by bjanalyst View Post
But enough for now. Please hold off on any more comments on my system until the simulations are done.
Also I gave Gronbog the negative indices and the LS indices yesterday just so he has them when he is ready! I did not mean to imply I want Gronbog to drop everything and do his simulations immediately. Gronbog has been extremely generous in doing the simulations and I am sure everyone on this site appreciated his efforts.
Okay, lets see what happens but I think you would be in for disappointment.