Quote Originally Posted by kratchik View Post
I have read some of your posts and I thank you for your unusually polite response. You are telling me how to play blackjack and I agree with you completely, however I don't play. I have read some of the books and seen the tables. I have even computed some myself.

Players seldom have an advantage at a casino game and when they do and win consistently they get banned. I prefer to play the stock market. There you don't have to go to a casino, you can do it at home. There is no house limit and at times the player has a big advantage. If you win big you aren't banned but are cheered as a hero. Altogether it's a much better game!
Miracles of modern technology, I write this as I fly, getting close to my destination.

I can be very polite. I also recognize that I can be an asshole - example - dealing with the Dipshit, who is worthy of disdain. Though not evident in your OP, I can now see levels of intelligence emerge, and that is good. Accordingly, I trust you will forgive me for categorizing your initial post as dumb.

The game is afoot when one descends to a house edge game, with the full intent if overcoming said edge, and walking away a winner. The stock market is not that much different, though one doesn’t have that nasty little min bet to worry about, qthough I think it tends to be a zero sum game. One party must win, one party must lose, and the facilitators get paid regardless of outcome.

You are also correct in your assumptions as well. A good operator can do well, and another, who doesn’t train himself for battle, will get beaten up.