Quote Originally Posted by Dbs6582 View Post
RCJH, when you say the “the very best counters”, what do you mean by that? The math is the math. If someone is using Hilo and playing it perfectly, how are you able to detect differences between two people who use the same system.
Obviously you haven't learned what they teach you in the class.
Quote Originally Posted by Dbs6582 View Post
I’ve heard these kind of comments before and never understood them.
Take the class. If you don't understand then, there is no hope for you.
Quote Originally Posted by Dbs6582 View Post
If you’re referring to their skills on “getting away with it”
It's about discretion or judgement.

Anyone can do the math of counting and count perfectly. Knowing how to make money doing that in a casino is a different story. The casino isn't a simulator. You can't bounce right to results of having played 1 billion rounds. The sim uses averages for everything. A good casino player makes choices in a casino and choose to play better pen, faster dealers, dealers that help you win, avoid negative EV rounds as much as practical, and up the chances of finding positive EV shoes. A poor player plops down anywhere and ends up playing much the opposite, unless they get lucky by chance. The result is the poor player plays fewer rounds while playing more time. More important fewer high EV rounds and a higher percentage of negative EV rounds. The advantage per shoe is less for the poor player. The poor judgement of the poor casino player costs him constantly the entire time he is there. Plus his spread is getting exposed more due to needing to make a higher percentage of minimum bets. In a casino, there is your spread, and what they perceive your spread to be. A poor player would always be seen as using his total spread. This is not necessarily true for a good player. The big bets you make draw attention. But the small bets you make get you backed off after drawing that attention.

RCJH is saying you and a course graduate go into a casino and play for 4 hours. The course graduate would leave with a higher total EV from the judgements each of you made while in the casino for the same amount of time using the exact same system probably by playing less of the time, and/or getting in a lot more plus EV rounds while playing through a lot less negative EV rounds.