Quote Originally Posted by bjanalyst View Post
If you read my post carefully, I also stressed camouflage play. So besides being very simple to use and increasing power, the strategy changes when AA78mTc is used with HL can be very different from just using the HL and can confuse the pit to think either you are not a counter or a very bad counter. Read over the camouflage plays. If you play with HL alone and get caught and thrown out of casino that nothing matters - you lost the boxing match period (using your analogy).

So not only will these strategy changes with AA78mTc make you look like a fool to casinos who are using the HL to see if you are counting, they are actually the correct play to make!
Play is *not* the only metric casinos use when determining a 21 AP is at their table. Spreading, magnitude of win/loss, as well as peculiarities is certain indices/deviations that piques the pits interest is what draws them to consider analysis against your action.

I have no doubt that your system is amazing. However, what needs to be done, by you, is to run a simulation, compare it to other systems, and provide win rate, SCORE, and certainly some sort of heat index.

Why would I use your system over something like HOII w/ ASC. The latter has been well researched and is utilised by many APs. The question remains: how well does your system fare? Simply providing Correlation Coefficients proves nothing to us, as we are not concerned about CC, we are concerned about Win Rate. You can have perfect correlation with your system compared to that of the others (Wong, HOII, Zen , et al.) but how does it stack against the win rate of other systems?

This is what we want to know! We want to know how powerful your system is! Is it "worth" the extra effort?

The burden of proof is on you. Not us.