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Thread: Blackjack and Health Impacts (including Sleep)

  1. #40

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    "It is close to amazing how well these lights work.
    Caffeine (via beverage) takes an hour to stimulate
    your brain. This is actually instant. I am a first-class
    skeptic and I was surprised at how well these lights work."

    Flash, you have seen my "Nature Bright" light! lol
    I will attest that the thing is Amazing.
    When I used to start playing a couple of hours before the sun came up,
    it would take too long to be fully alert and functioning on all cylinders. Not anymore.
    (Sorry, I realize this is coming across as an infomercial. But, it does work wonders.
    "Place your order in the next 20 minutes, and we'll throw in this no-need-to-wash cleaning cloth FREE!!!" :-) )

  2. #41
    Senior Member Bubbles's Avatar
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    Light doesn't work on me. I think I'm nocturnal. I feel most awake any time there isn't sunlight.

    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

  3. #42

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    Quote Originally Posted by ZenMaster_Flash View Post
    The 3rd (full-time) year is the 'make-it or break-it'
    year where you are powerfully conflicted and tense
    Re: what you are doing with your life. you are living
    a "Death of a Salesman" existence and as a Willie
    Lomanesque character you are facing inner demons.
    Hopefully you are not alone. You may be haunted by
    thoughts and dreams about your self-worth and how
    YOU measure it. An "identity crisis" may be growing
    behind your eyes and between your ears. Obsession
    and a depressive outlook are ego defenses. We cannot
    think deeply Re: ourselves, as long as our brains are
    over-active and playing BJ at a high level which involves
    our being immersed in eyes-closed thinking about our
    numerical minutiae, opportunity, problem-solving,
    computations, acting (for camo') and both short-term
    and long-term memorial functions. After many years
    of living on the fringes of society and financially sup-
    porting yourself (and others) all you can think about
    is how you produce nothing, you create nothing, you
    exist within a framework that only an "outlaw" can
    empathize with. More and more, over time, money
    will mean less and less and satisfaction in life will gain
    increasing value.
    Although I think it is a wonderful post which I believed to be true, only someone who has lived the life as a full- time player can relate, to which I am not. The above quote does sound very personal in nature coming right from your heart. Leaving many unanswered questions. Namely, why did you leave a highly respected and successful career? Into one making less than 20% of your former earnings that was guaranteed? What is the story ZMF, as it sounds like anything other than an Advantage Play on life?

    Quote Originally Posted by ZenMaster_Flash View Post
    If I could find a Zen Monastery where I could live out
    my days with my beautiful dogs, I would, in essence,
    leave this world.

    My only goal then would be to mentor zennists
    who are seeking the path to enlightenment.

    In retrospect, I regret having ever played blackjack.

    I find it very admirable that you have come to terms with your life and are willing to share it.

  4. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    "why did you leave a highly respected and successful career?
    Into one making less than 20% of your former earnings that
    was guaranteed? What is the story ZMF, as it sounds like
    anything other than an Advantage Play on life?"
    Think for a moment and refocus your question somewhat.
    My median income, over the years, has only been satisfactory
    [to me] as long as I can afford good food, a good automobile
    and damn good computing hardware, etc. I am easy to please.

    One can seek "advantage" in many guises
    *. Some strive
    for money, power or fame. These are not goals for me.
    I am essentially non-materialistic. I seek inner joy and
    satisfaction in life. Being an altruist, I think that
    this isn't
    the place for me to lapse into insufferable jabbering about
    Zen Buddhism.

    * The noun "guise" refers to an outward appearance that conceals
    ...the true nature of someone or something.
    Last edited by ZenMaster_Flash; 02-15-2018 at 08:39 AM.

  5. #44

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    Quote Originally Posted by ZenMaster_Flash View Post
    Think for a moment and refocus your question somewhat.
    My median income, over the years, has only been satisfactory
    [to me] As long as I can afford fine food, a good automobile
    and damn good computing hardware, etc. I am pleased.

    One can seek "advantage" in many guises*. Some strive
    for money, power or fame. These are not goals for me.
    I am essentially non-materialistic. I seek inner joy and
    satisfaction in life. Being an altruist I think that
    this isn't
    the place for me to lapse into insufferable jabbering about
    Zen Buddhism.

    * [FONT="]The noun [/FONT][FONT="]guise[/FONT] refers to an outward appearance that conceals the true nature
    of someone or something.
    Provided you can read through - font font colour font font bold blue font, there's actually a pretty good message here. Whatever floats your boat, get it and be happy. Don't sweat fame riches etc., for in the end, they are meaningless.

    Further, I think further explanation of inner joy and satisfaction with Zennist influences should be espoused. I urge Flash to spread the joys of the FBM ASC - for feel good meditation.

  6. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubbles View Post
    "I think I'm nocturnal."
    I see Batman, you are an alien.

    Note: I used to own a lakeside
    manse (erected in 1772) that
    was home to a sizable swarm of
    bats. I really enjoyed watching
    them return home at dawn, with
    their little bellies filled with the
    recently deceased, perhaps partially
    undigested, flying insects.
    As sunset would arrive ~
    (the gloaming,
    the twilight dusk), perhaps five hundred
    of them noisily greeted the evening in
    a wave of oddly noisy blackness. I miss
    their friendly nocturnal ways as they
    'paid their rent' by freeing the air of
    summertime mosquitoes; and when it
    rained, the bat's primaeval presence
    was complemented by the delightful
    scent of petrichor, the lovely scent
    accompanying a summer rain, that
    virtual olfactory intoxication.

    Today's bonus question: Why is ZMF
    obsessed with tildes?

    Last edited by ZenMaster_Flash; 02-15-2018 at 09:22 AM.

  7. #46

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    Quote Originally Posted by ZenMaster_Flash View Post
    I am essentially non-materialistic. I seek inner joy and
    satisfaction in life.
    Well, I hope in the twilight of your life you finally have found it.

  8. #47
    Senior Member Joe Mama's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freightman View Post
    Don't sweat fame riches etc., for in the end, they are meaningless.
    I havn't seen a Brinks truck in a rich man's funeral procession yet.

  9. #48
    Senior Member Tarzan's Avatar
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    If you were to intentionally stay awake for as long as possible (like they had to do on "Invasion of the body snatchers"), pushing to stay awake with no drugs or stimulants of any kind other than coffee, at about the 3 - 4 day mark you are going to start hallucinating. You will begin to see little cartoon bugs bunny looking things dancing across your field of vision, your manual dexterity is impacted, your ability to focus. Lots of studies have been done on this. Some hold out longer than others, but eventually regardless of age, strength, or mental ability to deal with stress, people will begin to hallucinate (without having to take any hallucinogens) if you go without sleep for long enough (beginning at 3-4 days in).

  10. #49
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    I have been knocked out of my body a few times from being knocked unconscious or actually dying. I have memories of seeing things after leaving my body that can only be explained by having actually left my body. Even the skeptics couldn't explain how I saw the things I saw and had to believe I left my body. When I was in college I worked full time, went to school full time and played hard full time. I got 2 or 3 sleeps a week and would be out for over 24 hours of sleep once every few weeks. Eventually it started affecting my health so I had to stop burning the candle at 3 ends. But when I was operating in extreme zombie mode, I would try to mentally stay awake while my body went to sleep in bed. I managed to leave my body regularly but rarely got very far like I did when knocked unconscious or my bodily functions ceased. Only once did I leave the room. But if one got good at this ability, it does have applications in the casino. I haven't tried it for decades. The last time I did it was when my vitals ceased in the hospital. That was also a long time ago.

    The government did some top secret research into this kind of thing called Remote Viewing during the Cold War just to keep up with a Russian program that they thought was a bunch of crap but felt that just in case they didn't want the Russians to have an upper hand. They were surprised to find people had the ability to remotely view things on the other side of the planet by projecting their mind and supposedly even used results from remote viewing as intel for an airstrike. That didn't involve any drugs or sleep deprivation as far as I know. So, for all the paranoid conspiracy theorists, if you ever feel like you are being watched by the government, you probably are right. LoL

  11. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Three View Post
    I have memories of seeing things after leaving my body that can only be explained by having actually left my body. Even the skeptics couldn't explain how I saw the things I saw and had to believe I left my body.
    Clear gibberish. Scientists and skeptics are aware that the person making such statements about dying, white lights, tunnels, seeing deities, have long been understood. These experiences can be created in two ways, namely drugs and anoxia (lack of sufficient oxygen); but the best example, (as it duplicates these 'experiences' so closely), happens during astronaut and fighter pilot training, using a large fast centripetal force machine, where powerful acceleration makes it progressively more difficult for oxygenated blood to reach the brain. Soon anoxia sets in and the flyboy generally reports the usual Western Religion (subjective) silliness.

  12. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZenMaster_Flash View Post
    Scientists and skeptics are aware that the person making such statements about dying, white lights, tunnels, seeing deities, have long been understood.
    LOL. You assume that is what I experienced. You are wrong. I didn't experience anything of which you speak. Like as I wandered the hospital away from my body I entered an area that was off limits and behind locked doors where I had never been awake or sedated. I described an odd feature of decay in the room. It was a strangely shaped stain near the ceiling and wall intersection. I described it in such detail that all the hospital staff said I had to have been there but also said my body was never even close to being in that room, nor could I have entered the area of the hospital without card key access. Like it or not we have a physical body and a portion of ourselves that exist beyond the physical.

    Also when in the hospital in the worst level of shock trauma, after being in a car accident that resulted in a loss of time, or black out of time that I was conscious for. This made me qualified to be in a study for brain injuries that tested and interviewed people for months after the incident. Since I would be in the hospital for over a month it was a good way to make some extra money. Upon the drugs wearing off, I had developed an additional depth to my sight. I was seeing something like an additional texture that was not there for most people. The doctors reported that it is common for individuals in my situation to either have impaired or enhanced sensory abilities. They mentioned someone that had developed the eyes of an eagle and could identify people from almost a mile away. I couldn't see farther than originally, but I was seeing additional information that I hadn't seen before the accident. After a few weeks the enhanced sense subsided. At one point, while I had the sense, I saw a spirit walk through the wall and go up toward the ceiling. Seconds later from the adjacent room I heard the most horrifying shriek I have ever heard. I knew the one occupying the room had died and I had seen his life energy leaving his body. I reported this to the doctors conducting the study and they said they had never heard of this specifically happening but people that experienced visual enhancements after losing time from a brain trauma described seeing similar things. It was really interesting to hear about all the various ways the brain's initial rewiring of abilities can either enhance or hurt the sense being affected. Abilities such as sight, smell, taste and touch were enhanced in some people. And when I say enhanced I mean almost altered to be something more than they originally had been. The guy with the eagle eye vision kept his enhanced ability for life. Most only get the enhanced ability until their brain has been rewired to perform the task it was supposed to do.

    Flash, I am not about to say what all this means except that things are a bit more complicated than the limited vision that you believe. The research is there that continually proves it. Science is prejudice against calling it spiritual energy or the part of us that is linked to the universe, but they know it exists. Too many have very accurately described in great detail what they couldn't possibly have ever seen from their body to deny the phenomenon. The stain I saw I found interesting because it was something that looked like an artists rendition that was done naturally. I admired nature's art for a while and could recall every detail of it.

    But it is good to hear from you Flash. I hope you are well.

  13. #52
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    I have been nearly dead on several occasions, including a severe concussion requiring hospitalization.
    Blood Pressure was 210/140. My pupils were pinpointed and now, months later, looking almost normal.
    Incidentally, you can certainly imagine your own death with large doses Ketamine. I have done that as
    recently as last week. Indeed, I have learned that the concept of "GOD" is actually a particular hallucinogenic
    state of mind.

    Not worth arguing!

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