Quote Originally Posted by drunk View Post
Dog Hand: I generally agree with what you are saying. But I would like for more regulatory oversight on gambling similar in some ways to tobacco regulation.

I would like for every lottery ticket to have printed on it something like this: "less than one in ten thousand people will be net winners after playing the lottery their entire lives"

I would like to see casinos required to post something like this on all their doors: "more that 99% of the people who gamble regularly will experience a net loss over the course of their lives"

it's not going to happen. the pro-business lobby is too strong. but that doesn't mean it would be wrong to require this.

I think there are a great many people who do not have the education to realize how strong the odds are against them in the long run. I would like for education on the subject to become more widespread.
Can we get that for 6:5 BJ too?