Quote Originally Posted by Freightman View Post
If he did have half a brain, then I know exactly what he was doing. Problem is that strategy has a pretty short fuse as well, and you can't afford not to use indices.

My comments were based on some unknown prick, actling like a pig, taking all the cards away from me that negate npmy edge.

Now, for my remaining fans, an umhelpFul one or two ratings would be appreciated.
Freightman, I understand your point. My point was that he might have been doing this to drive off Bushie. He went with the "hog" all the good cards approach, instead of your more subtle chili, beans and beer approach. I have once been in an unfriendly battle with a fellow counter and left the table. It was my local store and he was the new kid. It was a DD game. He was very obnoxious, spread widely and wonged out in negative counts. If it wasn't my local store and I wouldn't have implicated myself, I had half a mind to tell the pit boss to back him off. As it was, I just left. I had more to lose than him so he won that battle.

From reading Bushie's post, it sounded like a "dance off" between two counters who wanted the same table. This other counter was trying to be as disruptive as possible to drive off other counters, and pulled the spread to 7 hands in a positive count move. Regardless of what other people think, going from 1 x $15 to 7 X $200 is quite an impressive move. If he'd have pulled this type of move in a "dance off", he'd have most likely won.

Since there is only one table with these conditions, it sounds like this other counter and Bushie should just play at different times, which several other people have mentioned.

What made no sense to me to me is when Bushie implied that spreading to 7 hands made this guy lose money or that he took all the high cards and somehow gave the dealer the low cards. I'm probably not being totally accurate in what Bushie said, but there was a lot of vodoo logic in his post. If his post had vodoo logic, how do we know he didn't interpret some of the other counter's actions wrongly?

The bottom line is I'd love to have been a "fly on the wall" to see the exchange between this counter and Bushie at this unique table. It'd have been entertaining.