Without knowing the double deck and six deck table minimums there is really no sense of proportion here for how severe this downswing was. Still, an important lesson about gambling is that experience is a poor teacher and that the results often have no bearing on expectation. If you were betting a max of $100 then losing 20 max bets over the course of twelve hours of play is unfortunate but not entirely uncommon.

I therefore tend to play until I'm satisfied with my result (either leave early if I'm up a decent amount or stay longer to chase losses)
This is an unproductive habit which many advantage gamblers adopt. While you will be able to generate a long string of small wins and brag about how infrequently you lose, the end result of quitting any time you are slightly ahead and staying whenever you get buried is that you will end up putting in more volume when the game is bad and less volume when the game is good. So while you may generate an artificial string of winning sessions with this strategy, you will in the long run win significantly less money.