Quote Originally Posted by abc4000 View Post
I was on $15 6d s17 late surrender table with another player, very good pen. Betting spread 1,2?4?6?12. I started with one hand, the count went up to +2 in few seconds, i put up another hands bet 2×75% of one hand. Count was stay at +6 to +1 whole shoe. By the end of the shoe i lost $600. I decided to play one more shoe, count went up to +2 in a minute again and i split two to hands, the whole shoe was high count but dealer never bust. I lost another $900 this shoe and i left table. So did i do anything wrong or just the odd hit me. Also I still have money in my pocket, should i try again since the pen is good & not too many players in table. Thx
I am not able to discern if you ever put out your max bet. I see that the count went to +6, so I assume you did. If that is the case, you should just book the loss and come back at another time. Even if you stick around to get your money back and earn a profit, you may be asking to have your play reviewed. The time will come when you are happy to have some losses on the books. Keep practicing, and perhaps have someone watch you to be sure you are not making mistakes. Other than that...everything you described will happen to you many more times. It is no big deal unless you make it one. Keep places with good pen as long as you can.