Quote Originally Posted by Freightman View Post
Sorry. You not only stuck your foot in your mouth, it's made its exit out your ass. Using your statement above. Let's make this simple. I will define hi cards as - all faces and aces comprising 20 cards in a 52 card deck. Mid cards as 6,7,8,9 comprising 16 cards and low cards comprising 16 cards 2,3,4,5.

After 26 cards, we have true plus 6 with, per your statement, twice as many mid cards than high cards. In order for this to occur, you have 8 high cards, 2 low cards and 16 mid cards. Extend this to as many decks as you wish. Can you not see the fallacy of this scenario? I trust I need not explain further.
The OP did not mention mid card at all. I add that to tell OP why his "no bust strategy" works well and what improvement he needs to do. It is all because of how ASM distributes the mid cards.