Don't attempt to sneak in and play at this place. You may be able to do it a few times, but they will eventually recognize you and then you'll be trespassed. Then, that's a big deal. I speak from experience, they will flex their muscle, trespass you and threaten you with arrest if you're caught on property.....even for a show/concert or dinner. I inquired with the State police where I live and they confirmed that the Indian Reservation wants to have their own police force, laws etc, but calls them when someone is caught trespassing. It is their duty to arrest you. Most of the time the charges are dropped, but it is a misdemeanor charge and it is recorded. Dont' allow yourself to be put in this situation.

Since you can't play there, you can share the location and have your BJ community swarm in for some good play? It's the least we could