Quote Originally Posted by Tthree View Post
I am not sure what Pa charges but $100,000/incident would probably be levied and a loss of their gaming license. An instance could be defined as each hand to each player, or each shoe dealt. They risk everything they have ever won and the ability to be a casino. That is about as high a risk as you can get on a game they will win handily in the long run.
There are a lot of laws/regulations printed. The smart ones look at how they are implemented and if they are implemented. Has there been one of these sanctions ever place in Pa? Just like us when we know that we are not going to get ticketed driving 5 miles an hour over the speed limit, we violate that speed limit, some more than others.

I once worked for one institution where I was going to violate a regulation and the head of our legal department told me to go ahead that the government will not want to meet us in court over one incident, that if they find out, we could negotiate the fine to a lower amount.