Quote Originally Posted by Boz View Post
But the OP decided a narrow interpretation works best for his purposes.
Relax Boz (or should I say: "Lighten up Francis").

The point of my original post was simply to learn more about this subject by soliciting comments on a theory that, based on the way the Ohio law is written, it appears that one could not be legally ejected for card counting alone. ZMF was quick to point out that he was ejected from an Ohio casino for nothing more than card counting. That is exactly the type of on-point commentary that I was looking for. I also appreciate the analysis of the MO law.

From this thread, I've learned that the Ohio law is not written quite as strongly as the MO law in that it does not explicitly contain a presumptive right of access to table games. That being said, I still think that based on the way the Ohio law is written, a casino would have a hard time justifying the ejection of a patron purely for card counting. Of course, that doesn't mean that they won't do it as ZMF has testified, and I agree that only a "doofus" would ever bother challenging this in court. But if they did, my money would be on the doofus...