While short term results can clearly be in the ranges ZMF refers to the long term can be positive.

Here are actual results for a 12 month period (2013-2014) for a team that had VP as one of several methods of attack. I would add that there were some offers available that we did not cash due to the logistics of collecting them. Very labor intensive event.

Note that our play for coin in was -.50%, very, very close to the expected results for the game played. End results show we were up 1.7% on almost 4.5 million in coin in action (after all expenses including the tax liabilities that go with W2G for large payouts). All the variance with this play is found in the coin in play but was easily outrun by the back end offers. Logistical nightmare to manage. Offer systems, while still vulnerable, have tightened up since this.
