Quote Originally Posted by winnawinna View Post
"They all say I can flat bet, but not banned permanently. My question is if I don't show them ID, what measures can they take if I keep going back? I know I can be trespassed, but if they don't know who I am, how can they give me something in writing to trespass me?"
I have been trespassed by certified mail (in PA).

Playing anonymously, they have given you an "assigned name", and they have hi-def photos of you as well.

If they really want to trespass you, they have to summon the local/state/Indian police and shake the I.D.

out of your pockets. If simple intimidation and lies fail, they can invent "probable cause" for some non-existent

cheating or misdemeanor behavior and you MUST show ID to the police - and they ALWAYS give you up to the

Casino Suits. Always.