Quote Originally Posted by Sharky View Post
spread like a deranged MADMAN again tonight...you guys keep "protecting the games"....and i'll keep KILLING them...

There is always a greedy bastard that is going to be a part of making all BJ unplayable. Hopefully you will only kill your opportunities but often the games are killed in the wake of selfish people. We all know the type. A business will offer free stuff once a month to help out the needy with a sign saying take what you need. Then some greedy A-hole pulls up in his mercedes pops the trunk and puts all the food goods and used clothes in it despite the shivering and hungry homeless guys hoping to get a coat or a decent meal that didn't come from a dumpster. I guess the idea that we protect the identity of other APs should be tossed aside when we see such a greedy person trying to destroy one of our great games. I know that most of us would never consider that but I have read things written by the slash and burn opportunities types that say they do exactly this to their competition.