Quote Originally Posted by Jc3 View Post
Hello all,

I'm having trouble finding information on rudimentary aspects, or 'rules' if you will about things like this. When playing on the tables on CVBJ there will be times when the true count will rise significantly and one round later, with four hands being dealt it could very well drop back down.

My question is while playing at a casino, say were at TC +4 which is about 10 unit bet playing 6 deck, and the hand is a winner but the true count drops down to say +1 or 0, do you wager accordingly? Isnt it overly suspicious to drop the bet after a big win? Do you risk your cover to align with your spread, or risk your bankroll to cover image? Thanks again everyone
That's a lot of volatility. You are either playing at a full table, or towards the end of a probable deeply cut shoe. Every number of decks brings with it its own art form. If at a full table, I would agree that you should reduce your wager as much as possible in accordance with the count. DD is also an art form which is a lot more sensitive to count adjustments.

Depending on the constraints of your bankroll, the heads up or 1 other person at the table, change in deck strength are somewhat more subtle, allowing, for example, opposition betting - so - I sometimes increase my bet in that scenario, and sometimes start a gradual climb downwards. In any event, there is a good explanation of the concept in Snyders Blackbelt in Blackjack.