Quote Originally Posted by KJ View Post
OK....then. You have convinced me....counting doesn't work! Despite an underachieving year in 2014, I have made $330 grand in AP play over the last 3 years and better than 2/3 of that (226 grand) has been from card counting. I guess I have just been lucky and am going to quit while I am ahead.

It's hard to take a first time poster seriously in this regard, but I will take you at your word. Just to be certain that you are even playing a +EV game I have two questions: Are you side counting aces with your hi-opt 2? without side counting aces, hi-opt 2 is pretty weak. Second of course is spread. What kind of spread and ramp are you using? It's extremely hard to believe that you can get in that kind of play at double deck to begin with, without wearing out your welcome. Maybe you are able to because they have determined you are still playing a losing game.
He is definitely playing a -EV game. I'm sure he doesn't even know any play deviations. Probably just counts +2, -2, +2, -2, etc and thinks thats all it takes. After reading his garbage, I want to actually thank him because these are the degenerate gamblers that make it possible for blackjack to still be available to people who know how to turn the tables on the casinos. Plops feed the casinos and then the APs come and take it back. The amount of selective memory that he described of what he always 'thinks' happens on a shoe and what doesn't happen on a shoe is sickening to even hear, because all I see is a degenerate mouthing away at how much of a novice he actually is but thinks he actually knows something and is good at the game to make a profit.

Thanks again and nice first post whether or not this was a troll attempt.