Quote Originally Posted by Exoter175 View Post
There's a group of 5 "advantage players" at my local joint, they are basically regulars that are flirting on the fine line of getting tossed out. One session, they were playing big money for a $5 table and were killing it. I played 3rd base as I prefer, and was betting a very modest spread as at that time I barely knew how to count and was just getting into the bet spread of things. These 5 played 3 positions with two buddies behind them "cheering them on". They were not counting on ANY system that I "knew" of, but must have been using a very rudimentary side count of Aces or some other denomination card, because they were doing rather well, even in some negative counts. They kept changing up the number of hands they were playing based on the cards coming out, and basing their bets on some kind of weird ass progression system emphasizing doubling up a first win, then (from what I could tell) pressing 50% 2nd win, 25% 3-5th win, then scaling down after a fifth win.
They sound like progression betting ploppies not AP's. Winning most of the time doesn't make you an AP. Most progressions are designed to win most of the time but the rest of the time wipes out all their wins and then some. At first I though they might be card steering or tracking but at the end of this I think progression betting ploppy sounds a little more likely.