Quote Originally Posted by Night_Rider View Post
Tthree, Exoter175, and Intermediat: I appreciate your posts and I feel compelled to reply. I will try to keep it short so as not to bore anyone.

In Don's first Post he said, "Let me chide you on not looking at insurance decisions yet! Insurance is the single most important of all the indices. Why in the world would you place it last instead of first in your studies? Make no sense at all."

In Don's second Post he said, "And, again the legitimate question is - What complexity are you talking about? You are putting off taking insurance in multi-deck when TC is +3 or higher for what reason, exactly? You are learning indices, but this one is too tough for you??? You understand your not making a lot of sense don't you?"

So I tried to explain where I got the info and why I was doing what I was doing but seems no one gave a crap. At least it seems to me as though my post were either not read or disregarded.

I am asked "if I understand that I am not making a lot of sense," and "your learning indices, but this one is too hard for you???"

Well, no its not too hard - I JUST HAVE NOT GOTTEN TO THAT POINT YET! And it makes perfect sense to me. Maybe not to Don but it does to me. I am doing what the two books I have said to do. Both of the books I have read, so far, have indicated that insurance is not all that important. I get it that times have changed and this may not be the right advice - but up until I posted to this forum that is what I was told / learned from the material I had. And why doesn't it make sense to learn indexing BEFORE learning to count cards? What is so difficult about this concept to understand? I am memorizing the decision points for the Sweet Sixteen. I am trying to prepare myself for when I do start actually counting - so that I know the index before starting to play. Tthree, at what point did you start memorizing indices? Before or after learning to count? And does it really matter as long as it is learned? Again, most of the material I have seen says to learn basic strategy etc. etc. BEFORE starting to count. And they don't include insurance at this point because in the material, I have, insurance is not part of basic strategy... it is given as a "player option." And I think, (now I'm going out on a limb here) that most of the BJ study material, out there, is structured the same.

So, after being told I don't make much sense etc. and being chided for doing what some books (written by experts) told me to do I am feeling a little defensive. It seems to me that most of the replies I got were from those that were just rubber stamping what ever Don said and did not ever consider what I said in my long, boring replies. I think some of the other posters even accused me of 'not knowing what an index is' etc. Well, no I am not an expert but I DID read about Indexing at least twice (before making my first post) and I do/did know the what, where, and why. Its just they assumed that I didn't know about them. Again, not an expert but certainly not completely void of any knowledge at all!

Here are some dumb questions.... Don says that insurance is the single most important decision in BJ - so does this mean I am supposed to study insurance first and worry about basic strategy later? Does this really make all that much sense due to the fact that probably 80% of play is NOT insurance but basic strategy (altered with indices of course)? If YOU had to learn one but not the other would your choice be insurance over basic strategy? Could you play BJ with just insurance and no basic strategy? Could you play BJ with just basic strategy and no insurance?

So anyway I apologize for getting defensive but after being told I don't make much sense and that everything I have been doing was questioned... well I got a little defensive - a little insulted too. I realize Don's credentials - but how long has he been at it? Thirty years? Me - I've only been at it a few weeks. Don't expect me to match wits with someone that has been at it for 30 years. Yes, maybe I don't make sense sometimes but that doesn't mean I am incapable of learning... it means I don't have Don's 30 years of experience.

