Quote Originally Posted by bigplayer View Post
In the end though it's the quality of the staff and procedures that fortifies the casino, not it's gizmo's.
The importance of this BP quote should not be overlooked. In the last 5 or 6 year in particular, since the economy really turned south, taking casino revenues with it, we have witnessed casino 'cuts' all across the board. We see it in the pit, where a 'critter' that once was responsible for 4 tables is now responsible for 6-8. I have been told be folks in the industry that those cut didn't stop at the surveillance room door. Surveillance guys who were already spread thin and usually underpaid, where asked to take on more, to monitor a larger bank of surveillance monitors. So, top notch equipment or "gizmo's" as BP puts it, are only as good as the human eyes behind it.

I suppose it is like everything else, the higher end properties that pay a little more are attracting the better surveillance guys. But even the top guys are spread thinner than they used to be.