Quote Originally Posted by ZenMaster_Flash View Post
I will try to be brief. Tarzan is a real-life friend and A.P. colleague.

It appears that most of our members fail to understand that this is NOT

card-counting with many side-counts a la multi-parameter card counting.

The Tarzan Count has a foundation of continually updated RATIOS being

computed. In the strict sense of the term, only Aces are side-counted.

The other card ranks all fall into various "buckets" that start off "normal"

Visualize a "bar-graph" with just a few bars.

There are bars representing High, Low, and Middle cards.

The Ratio of Faces to Baby Cards is where your"Betting count" begins,

and is adjusted for surplus / deficit Aces. Then the middle cards are considered.

This is an adjusted True Count that is best termed a "Betting Count"

What, you say ? Middle Cards having to do with the Betting Correlation (B.C.) ?

Imagine if you can, playing at THREE different tables with matching Hi-Lo True Counts.

Table 1 has Middle Cards normally distributed.

Table 2 has a surplus of cards ranking 6,7,8,9.

Table 3 has a deficit of cards ranking 6,7,8,9.

Do you think that the B.C. is the same for these 3 sets of conditions at TC = 0 ? TC = +2 ? TC = -2

Let us know what you imagine the answers to be.

Back to the issue at hand ...

The virtually perfect P.E. of the Tarzan Count is owed to the fact that our standard card-counting indices

which we employ to violate Basic Strategy, is geared to little more than the Ten Density of undealt cards.

Look at a common hand like 12 vs. 6 You reflexively wave the hand off as your True Count is not negative.

However your winning chances are significantly enhanced by surplus Middle Cards. Indeed, the Middle Cards become

"Key Cards" as their scarcity or abundance works for you in TWO ways.

They enhance your chances when hitting and they simultaneously worsen the dealer's chances.

Here is another common hand 9 vs. 2

This time the count is more "plus" than is required in order to feel good about doubling.

But wait ! There is a strong deficit of Middle Cards. That weaken's your overall chances.

Even if the TC was a bit negative the double would be excellent with a surplus of Middle Cards.

I should enumerate just how many hands there are - stiff vs. stiff, Hard and Soft doubles and some splits

where these Precision Plays contribute to enhancing our e.v. and, importantly, reducing our variance !

I have witnessed Tarzan "in action" for perhaps 150+ hours in numerous venues over the last few years.

He spreads his bets very "politely" (as I like to put it) and plays marginal games with unappetizing penetration.

He almost never catches heat. he plays about 5 days weekly. His skills pay his bills.

Tarzan's virtues and strengths are high caliber, although his communication skills may not be the strongest.

I hope that the reader finds this post to be informative. Feedback is more than welcome.
You are using some new jargon here. Please define middle card. What are the values?